Cachi charms heart and soul

The Hermes' Journey


2014-02-21 13.56.58

The road serpentines outstretched into the mountains, higher by every turn we take and more abrupt and deep are the ravines just next the by now becoming straitened dust path.  The 160km ride from Salta is an adventure on itself and rewards with a sunset at the 65 620 hectares ‘Cardones National Park which is driven through.  The cactus as old as 300 years are standing tall and proud in an arid silence desert-like scene.  It’s a region where flora and fauna show as singular characteristics as the arid décor they are standing in and delight the eye seems their only purpose.



We arrive long after the sun finished nightfall, when only a few orange streetlights enlighten what is left of a joyful day in a rural town.  Heavy loaded with our backpacks we stumble from street to street looking for a place to sleep.  Amongst the…

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A la rencontre des autres… à la rencontre de soi

Concours Libé - Apaj 2014 - LM-SC

« Et tu dormiras où une fois là-bas ? » Mais on s’en tape ! Quand on s’imagine routard, dans la peau du voyageur qui sillonne le monde, seule la route importe. D’asphalte, de terre ou même inexistante sur les cartes, elle est la clef. Celle qui conduit aux merveilles du globe et va permettre, après tant de kilomètres parcourus, le récit d’extraordinaires rencontres avec les habitants de ces nouvelles contrées. Lire la suite